Monday, February 23, 2009

Vineshia Cedillo - The Media Targets Miley

Once again Miley Cyrus has become the target of media scrutiny, this time for something entirely insignificant. The uproar over a harmless photo of her and her friends making innocent funny faces has spiraled out of control. The Organization of Chinese Americans found the photo deeply offensive and is asking Cyrus to issue an apology to the Asian American community.

Cyrus has honored their request for an apology and has issued one on her blog.

"I've also been told there are some people upset about some pictures taken of me with friends making goofy faces! Well, I'm sorry if those people looked at those pics and took them wrong and out of context!" Cyrus added, "In NO way was I making fun of any ethnicity!"

The OCA was unimpressed with the apology and doesn’t feel the 16-year-old is being sincere. They responded to Cyrus' blog by saying, "We do not feel this is an adequate response or apology to our statement, and we are disappointed that she does not understand that what she perceived as a 'goofy face' has never been used as a term of endearment for Asian Pacific Americans. It is not a gesture someone who is looked up to as a role model should use."

I have to say I completely disagree with the OCA, and I think they need to give Cyrus a break. The photo is harmless, and they are making something out of nothing. I really don’t think Cyrus would be making fun of the Asian community with an Asian friend right next to her!

I feel the media loves to over-analyze every move a celebrity makes. Now, I know that once you become a celebrity you have to get used to the media attacking you, but this is a bit much. I think the media is looking for a new girl to wear the “Bad Girl” title and Cyrus just happens be to the most vulnerable female celebrity out there right now. I believe they are taking advantage of her age and innocence by trying to make her feel guilty for something that isn’t that big of a deal. The media is just looking for someone to bully and target. It’s not fair that they chose a 16-year-old girl.

If we can be forgiving and understanding to Britney Spears with every crazy and erratic thing she has done then we can give Cyrus the benefit of the doubt and just move on!

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